Yes and no. Yes, you should try to keep it up as your general goal. No as in you probably want to cut back a bit during the times you're injured. So I think you should just wait for recovery, then get back to it.作者: ch2362729 時間: 2023-8-9 03:39 AM
騎到拉傷應該強度問題 降低強度別拼命作者: ycc1122 時間: 2023-8-9 04:17 AM
養好再繼續,不然只會愈傷愈重作者: maze833 時間: 2023-8-9 04:49 AM
適當的運動就好,受傷休息看醫師吧作者: hunter-01 時間: 2023-8-10 09:12 AM